Vape Hardware Repair Service

Vape Device Repair

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Do you have a broken vape mod or vape pod kit that is in need of repair?

If you need a vape device repair, we can help. Simply fill in the form below and we will contact you with how we can proceed with your repair.

We Can Fix


How do I send my device to you?

This all depends on where you live in the UK. We will either collect your device using our own courier service or ask you to post the device to us.

How much does it cost?

It depends on the device and the issue. Once we receive the vape device, it will be checked over and we will send you a quote. At this stage you can choose to have the repair done, or send the item back to you if it is deemed too expensive to repair.
We may be able to give a rough quote before you send the device but this may change once the device is inspected.

Is there a warranty on the repair?

Yes. We provide a 30 day warranty on the repairs we do. If your device’s repair fails within the 30 day period we will offer a free repair or refund depending on the situation.

Please note: The warranty only covers the repair and replaced parts. The device or other faults are not covered by the repair warranty.

How long does a repair take?

This is usually 2 weeks from the time you have sent the vape mod or pod kit to us. It all depends on whether we need to order spare parts.

Vape Device Repair Quote Request Form

Broken Vape Cartoon
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Once you send us your details, we will be intouch as soon as possible. Sometimes this may be the next working day depending on the time of submiting the request form.