
DNA Vape Peach Ice E-Liquid Review

With intense flavours to rival those found in disposable vapes, the DNA Vapes e-liquid range has been a popular addition to the shelves and amongst the SMKD team. Ricardo, SMKD’s graphic designer and international man of mystery, was peachy keen with his selection of DNA Vapes Peach Ice e-liquid.

Peach Ice E-Liquid Review

I tend to be very picky when it comes to peaches. They have to be at peak ripeness for me to enjoy them. Anything else is just sub par. That’s the same with peach flavoured e-liquids too.

I previously tried a peach disposable vape and found the flavour was so strong that it was sickly. I didn’t even finish vaping it. As a result, I don’t normally go for peach e-liquids. The only reason I tried DNA Vapes Peach Ice was because it was recommended to me by Luke, our wholesale manager, who already had an open bottle for me to try out.

The flavour is intense and leaves a sweet, juicy aftertaste, but it has none of the sickliness I’ve come across in the past. It’s really smooth, but has a nice, icy kick that enhances the experience and makes you take notice.

If you like peaches, it’s a no brainer really. I ended up enjoying this flavour so much I got a bottle for myself, which Carl has been helping himself to whilst interviewing me for this article!

Try DNA Vapes Peach Ice E-Liquid For Yourself

You can pick up DNA Vapes Peach Ice e-liquid at any SMKD store, or order online to get yours delivered to your front door. Just select your choice using the links below

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