
DNA Vapes Green Apple Ice Review

How do you like them apples?

Quite a lot actually, says Carl, our lead web developer.

This week at SMKD we tried DNA Vapes Green Apple Ice flavour and it is safe to say that we were impressed.

Carl’s Review

Before I started this DNA Vapes Green Apple Ice review, I had low expectations of the flavour. Usually, I go for sweeter flavours like DNA Vapes Peach Ice or Blueberry Razz Lemonade. I was expecting something a bit more sour. However, the Green Apple Ice flavour managed to prove me wrong. The flavour almost replicates the sweets you used to get from the corner shop, without the face-scrunching sourness. Every inhale was like taking a bite out of a fresh apple at peak ripeness. The sensation it creates as it hits the back of your throat is like an ice cold drink, sharp and cooling. 

If given a choice between real apples, I would pick gala every time, but this Green Apple Ice flavour has a certain je ne sais quoi. There is something about it that keeps me coming back for more, just like with those sour sweets. Not only is the flavour intensity and accuracy spot on, but it isn’t too overpowering.

Despite being up against some stiff competition, the Green Apple Ice flavour has definitely made it into my top five. This would be a great choice for anyone who likes green apples or sour sweets. If you like strong, fruity flavours with a refreshing aftertaste, I would definitely recommend this flavour. 

To check out the DNA Vapes Green Apple Ice flavour for yourself, click the link below.

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